Nature’s artwork…

Nature creates the most intricate artwork, and the only way to capture and preserve it is with photography. For me, it’s (almost always) about the water, and winter, by far, creates some of the most breath-taking sculptures using that element. They’re fleeting and transient—with the slightest breeze or temperature fluctuation capable of obliterating them.

The image above is one of soft rime. Earlier that morning, shining a flashlight ahead of me, I watched with interest as freezing fog streamed through the beam of light. Droplets like this, under the right conditions, can freeze upon contact with surfaces at subzero temperatures creating opaque structures of brittle, interlocking ice crystals.

On any other morning, this was a clump of horsehair snagged in a barbed wire fence. But on this particular day, it became an ornate, delicate thing of beauty.

show the intricacy of soft rime ice