Ground Control to Major Tom…

Lenticulars are a visible sign of mountain waves in the air. This particular cloud is a classic example of an orographic wave cloud—for scale, notice the truck in the bottom right corner—what you don’t see in this image are the mountains to the left.

A good visualization of how these form is to picture ripples created by water flowing over an obstruction in a stream.

I first photographed one of these clouds in Idaho. It looked for all the world like a massive wedge tornado…but, no rotation, and it was a storm-free afternoon. Years later, Gavin Pretor-Pinney of the Cloud Appreciation Society identified it for me as lenticular.

I can’t see these clouds without David Bowie’s 1969 song, Space Oddity, running through my head.

This cloud hovered for perhaps ten minutes then vanished. And the truck? It disappeared too…