It lives in transient moments…

sandhill crane snowy woods

In our travels yesterday we passed a man toting a camera and lens longer in length than my arm. When my husband asked me if I’d like a lens of that size I could truthfully answer no.

While I do love macro photography and images that could be described as intimate landscapes—tiny sections of a larger scene—I’m more passionate about the story. I’m just as excited about seeing signs that an animal has passed as I am seeing the animal itself.

The light covering of snow softened the harsh landscape winter left behind and as we got out of my Jeep, the rattling bugle-like call of a Sandhill Crane echoed through the mountains.

A hike towards the marshland uncovered fox tracks, wolf tracks, and winged impressions left behind by perhaps a large hawk. Striding along the snowy landscape was the source of those melodic calls.

Nature is all around us. It lives in transient moments not always captured by a camera.

But on this morning I’m glad it was.

2 thoughts on “It lives in transient moments…”

  1. What a lovely experience you had. Living in downtown Kelowna, as I do, it’s hard to imagine that there is still that much snow where you were. Yesterday, I too was at a park where the large pond was full of ducks and geese, eating, sleeping or squabbling with their neighbors. It was wonderful to see so much nature activity and view the very large, beautiful, very old, weeping willows that surrounded the pond, one of Kelowna’s deminishing wet land areas.

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